LifeYield Tax Harvesting
Scan all taxable and non-taxable accounts to instantly identify opportunities to harvest gains or losses.
Turn gains and losses into tax alpha
Keep your current technology
Don’t rip and replace anything. LifeYield Tax Harvesting can act as an overlay to your current technology to enhance it with modern tax harvesting capabilities.
Limit capital gains
Offset short-term or long-term capital gains by selling securities at a loss. Short-term is typically the priority, but LifeYield accounts for both.
Identify appreciated lots
Sell winning investments to realize capital gains. This can be used to find the most appreciated assets for gift giving or charitable donations.
Avoid wash sales
Typically done within taxable accounts only, LifeYield looks at all taxable and non-taxable accounts and identifies any potential wash sales.
The LifeYield Tax Harvesting API
The LifeYield Tax Harvesting engine looks across a client’s accounts and holdings and instantly identifies all opportunities to harvest gains and losses. It considers:
Key Benefits
- Harvest direction: Although tax-loss harvesting to offset capital gains or income is the most common use case, tax-gain harvesting can be used to identify the most highly appreciated tax lots for gifting purposes or charitable donations.
- Holding period: Depending on each client’s current tax rates, it’s important to have a solution that can maximize tax harvesting across any time period – short-term, long-term or any term.
- Maximum gain or loss: Set a limit for the total gain or loss produced by security sales while keeping the total value of those sales as small as possible. This is best used when identifying how to offset a specific number of gains or losses.
- Maximum proceeds: Put a limit on the total value of all the sales suggested, regardless of gains or losses. It’s important to have this lever when the entire transaction needs to stay under a certain dollar amount.
- Avoiding wash sales: LifeYield looks at all taxable and non-taxable accounts and identifies any potential wash sales.
Industry-leading portfolio tax management APIs
Asset Location
Multi-Account Rebalancing
Tax-Smart Withdrawals
Tax Harvesting
Social Security+
Retirement Income Sourcing